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Navigating the Future

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The Evolution and Impact of Modern Transportation


In metropolitan cities worldwide, the heavy reliance on automobiles significantly impacts the quality of life. Congested traffic reduces daily productivity and leisure, while air and noise pollution from cars detrimentally affect public health. Additionally, the need to sustain extensive road networks strains city budgets, drains resources and energy, and creates environments that discourage physical activity and reduce social interactions.


of CO2

emissions were caused by
automobile exhaust in 2019*

This article will explore strategies to mitigate the challenges and negative effects of automobile dependence in metropolitan cities, offering solutions and case studies to promote better, human-centric urban planning.

How can improving a
city’s infrastructure
impact quality of life?


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Bike Lanes

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Bike lanes are vital for promoting health, reducing traffic congestion, and fostering environmental sustainability. They provide safe spaces for cycling, alleviate urban congestion, and contribute to efforts in combating climate change. Additionally, investing in cycling infrastructure enhances economic opportunities and improves overall quality of life for residents.
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Complete Streets

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Narrowing streets reduces speeds and traffic congestion by creating a calmer, more controlled environment. This design encourages safer driving behaviors and promotes the use of alternative transportation modes. Additionally, it enhances the overall livability of urban areas by prioritizing pedestrian-friendly spaces and fostering a sense of community.
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Pedestrian Bridges

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Walking bridges have been introduced in various phases across Saudi Arabia, with specific dates varying based on local infrastructure projects. However, a notable surge in their construction has occurred in recent years as part of urban development initiatives aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety and connectivity in efforts to improve transportation infrastructure and promote sustainable environments.

Implementing infrastructure changes is resurging in Saudi Arabia to foster healthier lifestyles and create more human-centered cities, aligning with the goals of the Vision 2030 initiative. This aims to cultivate healthier, happier, and less congested urban environments, promoting well-being among city residents.

In your opinion, which
of these infrastructure
renovations would
you like to see more
around the city?

What new
innovations promise
better quality of life in
human-centric cities?

In conjunction with infrastructure renovations aimed at fostering human-centric cities, transportation innovations are emerging. This shift promises elevated levels of quality of life, sustainability, and well-being for Saudi Arabia.

Innovation in Transportation

Which of these
innovations is your

Human-centric urban design makes city living better by encouraging less reliance on cars, thanks to walkable spaces, extensive bike paths, and efficient public transit that help reduce congestion and pollution. The inclusion of ample green spaces and mixed-use developments also nurtures a sustainable environment.

What really makes
urban planning

Let’s explore inspiring projects from across the globe that have embraced key features to enhance walkability and sustainability.

Mixed-use urban design projects like HafenCity in Hamburg, The High Line in New York City, King’s Cross in London, Docklands in Melbourne, Songdo International Business District in Incheon, and HOK in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, are essential in transforming urban areas. These developments integrate residential, commercial, and cultural spaces, significantly enhancing city life by making urban environments more vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive. Such initiatives demonstrate the power of thoughtful urban planning to enrich communities and adapt to the needs of diverse populations.
Issue 4 Video B

The impact of Urban planning

Case Study A

Times Square’s Urban

Before 2009, Times Square, a bustling tourist and entertainment hub, struggled with extreme pedestrian congestion and vehicle traffic, compromising safety, and detracting from visitor experiences.

Introduce Urban Design Intervention (2009)

Under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, New York City initiated a bold urban redesign in 2009, converting Broadway from 42nd to 47th streets into a temporary pedestrian-only zone, aiming to enhance traffic flow and pedestrian safety


  • Initial Setup: The area was initially closed using simple materials like beach chairs and planters
  • Feedback and Adjustments: Feedback from pedestrians and businesses influenced permanent upgrades, including high-quality street furniture.


  • Safety Improvements: Pedestrian injuries fell by 35%
  • Better Traffic Flow: Contrary to fears, traffic improved on adjacent avenues.
  • Economic Growth: The area saw a retail and hospitality boom, enhancing its status as a global shopping destination.
  • Public Satisfaction: Post-project surveys indicated high satisfaction levels, celebrating the area’s enhanced accessibility and appeal.
  • Environmental Gains: Reduced vehicle traffic improved air quality and lowered noise pollution.

Case Study B

“Make London a Walkable City”

Initiated in 2018, this initiative is part of London’s broader “Walking Action Plan” aimed at enhancing health, reducing congestion, and minimizing pollution by increasing pedestrian infrastructure and safety to make London highly walkable.

Strategies and Investments

  • Infrastructure Improvements: Upgrades to sidewalks, crossings, and public squares, emphasizing accessibility.
  • Safety Measures: Stricter speed limits and expanded pedestrian zones.
  • Promotional Activities: Campaigns to boost walking and highlight its benefits.
  • Integration with Public Transit: Enhancements to connect walking with other transport modes.
  • Monitoring and Feedback: Systems to track progress and gather public input.
  • Financial Commitment: Over £2.2 billion invested to promote walking and cycling, aiming to increase walking trips by one million per
    day by 2024.


  • Increased Walking Trips: Progress towards the daily walking trip target.
  • Health and Environmental Benefits: Improved public health and reduced pollution.
  • Economic and Community Gains: Boosted local retail and enhanced public spaces.
  • Safety Improvements: Reduced pedestrian accidents.

The transformation showcases the power of urban design to solve core issues in congested city centres, effectively promote walkability, boosting safety, economy, and environmental quality. These initiatives serve as a valuable model for other cities aiming to reimagine their
urban landscapes.

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